Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Plague

The serum is effective, and we have stopped the plague for now. Cottard, Tarrou, and my beloved wife have been taken from me in result of the plague. Though I have lost much it is time for everyone else and me to let go and cut our losses. There is not much to gain when you suffer starting over will work for me and the town of Oran.

There is still a chance that the plague will return. My studies show that the plague was dormant in rats for many years indicating a relapse. I hope that this does not occur for all of the hardships and tragedies it has caused, but i think it has opened our eyes into what we the people of Oran have taken for granted which is life.

1 comment:

  1. The fact that you found a way to at least temporarily stop the plague is fantastic news. It seems like your very close to finding a cure. I'm very sorry about the loss of your loved ones, but don't give up!
