Friday, February 5, 2010

Dr. Bernard Rieux

Today was a normal day, I left my surgery and something appeared in front of me. A dead rat was in between my feet, kicking it a side and going on my way. Then I realized there was not supposed to be rats in the facility. This was puzzling to me but then I merely forgot about it.
Continuing on my way I worked my way over to the poorer side of town to wrap up the surgeries in that area. The topic of the dead rats was brought up again, thought about it on my way home. I decided to ask Old M. Michel the concierge if he saw any more rats, he said no.

I was still wondering why the rats were dying and why they were here. I got word that M. Michel trying to hang himself, he did not do it out of depression he did it to try and put himself out of his misery. Apparently he came into contact with one of the rats, his breathing was short and eyes were red orange. 10 days after I stepped on the rat, the Ransdoc Bureau reported the collection of 8,000 dead rats. I had a feeling that I would have to treat some of the victims of this outbreak. Until next time.


  1. From this post I gained insight about what is happening and is yet to come from "the plauge". I see now that there is some infestation of rats that is causing a major problem all around the city. The writer is very descriptive on how he writes about the rats. I conclude from this blog that there will be many more infestations of different kinds of things causing problems all around the city

  2. What I've gained from this is that there is some sort of disease in this city. Though i think it is interesting that it is affecting the rats. I think that you could improve your writing of the subject. Though it had a great description of the sickness. I can say that there will be more problems from this sickness.
