Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Plague

The serum is effective, and we have stopped the plague for now. Cottard, Tarrou, and my beloved wife have been taken from me in result of the plague. Though I have lost much it is time for everyone else and me to let go and cut our losses. There is not much to gain when you suffer starting over will work for me and the town of Oran.

There is still a chance that the plague will return. My studies show that the plague was dormant in rats for many years indicating a relapse. I hope that this does not occur for all of the hardships and tragedies it has caused, but i think it has opened our eyes into what we the people of Oran have taken for granted which is life.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Summer's Wrath

It's almost too hot to handle, and people are still dying of the plague as well as suffering from the heat of summer. The plague has become so atrocious that the government will imprison whoever decides to try to escape Oran. Grand completed the finishing touches to his book, The Plague Chronicle, which is supposed to inform citizens on what the plague really is, but instead it just has mainly advertisements of antidotes for the plague.

The Plague is killing so many people that now when funerals are held they just bury them and skip the ceremony, and they do not bury them in single graves either. What has this town come too, and will I get it next? The victims and family begin to speak out about their suffering. I am really losing hope on this town.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Verdict

Today my colleague and I proposed that the Plague, after studying the cases of this outbreak, is in fact the Bubonic Plague. There is no initial action because the government is more focused on concealing in what could be an obvious verdict that anyone could predict. What I do not understand is why people are surprised when a war or a plague appears, considering that they have both been around since the beginning of human existence. Even though I am not surprised, I was witness to several outlandish cases.

My initial action of proposing the cure of the plague was to first test the serum. I sent a letter to london informing them of the situation and requesting the serum for further testing. Once it arrives my plan is to test the most infected my reasoning on this is to see if the serum is powerful enough to cure all cases. I hope that this is the cure and will end this ongoing headache.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Dr. Bernard Rieux

Today was a normal day, I left my surgery and something appeared in front of me. A dead rat was in between my feet, kicking it a side and going on my way. Then I realized there was not supposed to be rats in the facility. This was puzzling to me but then I merely forgot about it.
Continuing on my way I worked my way over to the poorer side of town to wrap up the surgeries in that area. The topic of the dead rats was brought up again, thought about it on my way home. I decided to ask Old M. Michel the concierge if he saw any more rats, he said no.

I was still wondering why the rats were dying and why they were here. I got word that M. Michel trying to hang himself, he did not do it out of depression he did it to try and put himself out of his misery. Apparently he came into contact with one of the rats, his breathing was short and eyes were red orange. 10 days after I stepped on the rat, the Ransdoc Bureau reported the collection of 8,000 dead rats. I had a feeling that I would have to treat some of the victims of this outbreak. Until next time.